Anniversary 2022 | Calendar | Composers

Anniversary 2022

Anniversary 2022

Jirí Antonín (Georg Anton) Benda

Jirí Antonín (Georg Anton) Benda

* getauft 30.06.1722† 06.11.1795
In seiner Kindheit spielte Benda mit seinem Vater in Wirtshäusern zum Tanz, bevor er im Alter von 17 Jahren als Seminarist an ein böhmisches Jesuitenkolleg kam. 1742 folgte er seinem Bruder Franz an den preußischen Hof. Nach wenigen Monaten wurde der tüchtige Geiger hier Mitglied der Königlichen Hofkapelle. Doch schon 1750 ging Georg Anton Benda an den Hof Herzog Friedrichs III. nach Gotha....

Steven Bryant

Steven Bryant

* 1972
Steven Bryant is an American composer and conductor. He mainly writes music for symphonic wind orchestra, but also for chamber music, symphony orchestras and electronic music. Steven Bryant trained for one summer in the mid-1980s as a break-dancer (i.e. forced into lessons by his mother), was the 1987 1/10 scale radio-controlled car racing Arkansas state champion, has a Bacon Number of 1, and...

Bill Conti

Bill Conti

* 13.04.1942
Der Komponist und Dirigent lernte seit seinem siebten Lebensjahr Klavierspielen, später auch Fagott. Nach der High-School studierte er Komposition in Louisiana und spielte nebenher in einem Symphonieorchester und in Nachtlokalen. Dann wechselte er an die berühmte Juilliard School of Music in New York, wo er seinen Abschluss machte. 1967 zog er mit seiner Frau nach Italien und schrieb und...

César Franck

César Franck

* 10.12.1822† 08.11.1890
César Franck wurde am 10. Dezember 1822 in Lüttich geboren und starb am 9. November 1890 in Paris. Seit 1843 wirkte er als Organist in Paris wo er auch 1872 Professor am dortigen Conservatoire wurde. Zu seinen Schülern zählten u. a. Vincent d’Indy, Louis Vierne und Claude Debussy. Franck gab dem französischen instrumentalen Impressionismus wesentliche Impulse und schuf neben vokaler und...

Julius Fucik (Fučík)

* 18.07.1872† 25.09.1916
World-renowned march composer Julius Fučík was born in Prague in 1872. An authentic and versatile Bohemian musician, Fučík attended the conservatory in his hometown for violin and bassoon. In 1891 he studied composition with Antonín Dvořák. Fučík played bassoon in several symphony and theatre orchestras. As common in Austria of that time, he had to prove himself...

Werner Furtner

* 31.12.1942
Werner Furtner erblickte am 31.Dezember 1942 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, dem Herz des Werdenfelser Landes das Licht der Welt. Seine Eltern erkannten sein musikalisches Talent und ermöglichten ihm das Erlernen des Akkordeons. Nach Schule, Lehre und Berufsausbildung zum Lokomotivführer zog es ihn zur Blasmusik. Als Posaunist und Baritonist bewährte er sich bei der Musikkapelle Garmisch . Als...

Siegmund Goldhammer

* 08.03.1932
Siegmund Goldhammer was born on 8 March 1932, in Bielen near Nordhausen, Thuringia, East Germany. At the age of eight, he learned the accordion. Later he received piano lessons and taught himself to play the trumpet. After the war he took up an apprenticeship as a carpenter and then studied trumpet, contrabass and piano at the Technical College of Music in Weimar from 1949 to 1952. He then...

Miroslav Juchelka

* 29.03.1922† 10.07.2001
A graduate of the Prague Conservatory, Juchelka studied, among others, under the organist Bedřich Antonín Wiedermann and the composers Jaroslav Řídký and Emil Hlobil. He finished his organ and composition conservatory studies in 1943, and four years later he graduated also from the Master School of the Prague Conservatory where he had studied piano under Albín Šíma. He became a significant music...

Michael Klostermann

* 27.12.1962
Michael Klostermann was an enthusiastic musician from an early age: at the age of nine he learned the piano, which was followed by a variety of wind instruments. Today, Michael Klostermann is a name that is often and happily heard in folk band music. In 1984 he founded his own ensemble from a group of outstanding musicians with a passion for traditional wind music, which became known...

Vlado Kumpan

* 11.04.1972
Vlado Kumpan wurde am 11.04 1972 in Skalica (Slovakei) geboren. Bereits mit sieben Jahren erhielt er in Gbely Trompetenunterricht. Mit gerade mal 14 Jahren begann er sein Studium am Konservatorium in Bratislava, welches er nach 6 Jahren abschloss. Danach ging Vlado Kumpan an die Musikhochschule Bratislava, wo er nach 4 Jahren sein Studium erfolgreich beendete. Schon während seines...

Serge Lancen

* 05.11.1922† 12.07.2005

Otmar Macha

* 02.10.1922† 14.12.2006
Otmar Mácha war ein tschechischer Komponist. Er studierte in der Klasse von Jaroslav Rídký am Konservatorium in Prag und war bis 1962 beim Tschechischen Rundfunk in Prag als Regisseur und Dramaturg tätig. Danach widmete er sich intensiv der Komposition. In seinem breitgefächerten Schaffen sind Sinfonien, Musikdramen, Vokal- und Kammermusikwerke, sowie Musik...

Karl Maurer

* 16.12.1922† 22.12.2010
Karl Maurer was a musician, composer, and orchestral director who was active primarily in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, and he therefore is still well known there today. His musical career and activities in the band community are typical and absolutely comparable for many people of his generation. Karl Maurer studied at the Wiesbaden academy of music and then at the conservatory of that city...

Gerbert Mutter

* 21.08.1922† 28.08.1989
Gerbert Mutter was born on 21th August, 1922 in St. Blasien in the Black Forest. He studied from 1946 until 1951 at the college of music in Trossingen under G. Frommel and H. Degen (composition and music theory), H. Brehme (piano) and E. L. von Knorr (directing and choir leader). He graduaded as music teacher and worked from 1952 to 1986 at the Gymnasium and boarding school "Stella...

Albert Parlow

* 31.12.1822† 27.06.1888
Albert Parlow was a German composer. As a military musician, he composed several naval marches. The popular "Amboss Polka" (Anvil Polka) was more of a coincidence. In 1852, Albert Parlow was the first German naval music master to set up the first German naval music corps. His march composition "Mit vollen Segeln" (With full sails) is the first German naval march to be put...

Michael Praetorius

* 15.02.1571 (1572)† 15.02.1621
Michael Praetorius was a German composer, organist, conductor and scholar in the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque period. Praetorius left behind a large number of valuable church compositions (masses, motets, hymns, songs, etc.), but also secular dances and musicological...

Stefan Rundel

* 17.08.1972
Stefan Rundel was born on August 17th, 1972 in Memmingen. As the son of the composer, arranger, conductor and music publisher Siegfried Rundel, he came into contact with music at an early age. Stefan Rundel learned trumpet, euphonium, drums and piano and played in various wind orchestras and formations. The publishing work, which he experienced from an early age, aroused his interest and...

Peter Schad

* 13.06.1952
Peter Schad war born in Bad Wurzach in 1952. After graduating from high school, he had played as a trombonist in the Army Music Corps 9 in Stuttgart fpr two years. He then studied at Stuttgart University of Music and played as a musician in various ensembles, including seven years tenorhorn with Robert Payer and his "Original Burgenland Band". In 1980, he became a full-time music teacher at the...

Hugo Strasser

* 07.04.1922† 17.03.2016
Hugo Strasser - der Leiter des erfolgreichsten deutschen Tanzorchesters - wurde 1922 in München als 5. von 6 Kindern geboren. Die Eltern liebten Musik und jedes der Strasserkinder durfte ein Instrument seiner Wahl lernen. Bei Hugo fing es mit der Mundharmonika an. Im Alter von 7 Jahren spielte er in der Kinderstunde des Bayerischen Rundfunks sein erstes Solo. Mit 16 begann er in der Akademie der...

James Swearingen

* 26.09.1947
James Swearingen is an American composer, music educator, and conductor. He studied at Ohio State University, Bowling Green State University and is Emeritus Professor of Music at Capital University, Columbus, Ohio. James Swearingen taught instrumental music in central Ohio public schools, his first teaching position being in Sunbury, Ohio. He then spent fourteen years as the director of...

Michael Sweeney

* 10.09.1952
Michael Sweeney is currently Director of Band Publications for Hal Leonard LLC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, one of the largest publishers of printed music in the world. Michael is directly responsible for the development, production, recording and marketing of new publications for school bands. In addition, he contributes as a composer and arranger in all instrumental areas, and is particularly known...

Emil Toft

* 1872† 1918
Emil Toft wuchs in Komotau in musikalischer Umgebung auf, denn sein Vater Anton wirkte dort seit 1879 als Musiker. Emil wurde von seinem Vater gründlich ausgebildet und wurde bald als Musiker, Musiklehrer und Komponist bekannt. In der Umgebung seiner Heimatstadt erlebten seine Stücke eine beachtliche Verbreitung und waren außerordentlich beliebt. Besonders seitdem Toft die Musikkapelle des...

Ralph Vaughan Williams

* 12.10.1872† 26.08.1958
Ralph Vaughan Williams was an English composer and conductor. From 1890 he studied at the Royal College of Music in London, where his close friendship with Gustav Holst began. In 1897 he also took lessons from Max Bruch in Berlin. From 1896 to 1899 Ralph Vaughan Williams was organist in London. From this time on he worked intensively on collecting English folk songs and also discovered the...

Douglas E. Wagner

* 1952
Douglas E. Wagner, a native of Chicago, Illinois, is an internationally recognized composer and arranger. With 30 years as a high school music educator and administrator behind him, Douglas E. Wagner now devotes all of his time and energy to writing, editing and their allied activities. He is an A.S.C.A.P. award-winning composer, an editor for a major publishing company, and has served several...

Rolf Wiedemann

* 22.04.1922
Rolf Wiedemann was born in Leipzig, on April 22, 1922. He studied at the Conservatory and Music High School in Leipzig. He began his music career in 1939 as bandmaster in Salzungen. From 1948-1961, Wiedemann was kapellmeister in Onstmettingen.